كتاب : Engineering Problem Solving: A Classical Perspective


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Engineering Problem Solving: A Classical Perspective


Publisher: Noyes Publications
Language: English
ISBN: 0815514476
Paperback: 450 pages
Data: July 1, 2001
Format: PDF
Description: Ambitious, comprehensive, and full of wisdom, this book revisits the development of engineering as a problem-solving profession, beginning from its origins in the classic text: Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences, by Galileo Galilei, originally published in 1638. In-depth discussions of passages from the Galileo text emphasize the roles played by experimentation and dialog in engineering analysis and creativity; that is, the "mind" set of engineering.

The book traces the development of modern-day problem solving tools in all the core areas of engineering: solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, electrical engineering, materials science, materials engineering, energy conversion, and design. Chapters on engineering economics, statistics, and computers also are included.

Among those who will find this book particularly useful are engineers first working in cross-discip1inary capacities, such as mechanical engineers working with electrical engineering concepts or polymeric materials, engineers preparing for professional engineering exams, mid-career engineers looking to broaden their problem-solving skills, students looking for a book to help them grow their skills throughout their engineering school experience.

