برامج برنامج لمختلف انواع اجهزة الجوال MobTime Cell Phone Manager 2006 V6.0.5


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برنامج لمختلف انواع اجهزة الجوال MobTime Cell Phone Manager 2006 V6.0.5


MobTime Cell Phone Manager is a PC data suite with which you can manage your mobile phone on PC. It supports most popular mobile phones by plug-ins, such as phones of Nokia, Siemens, Ericsson, SonyEricsson, Motorola and Samsung etc. MobTime will continually release new plug-ins to support more Mobile phones

Mobile phone management and data synchronization functions

* Short message (SMS) management: edit, send, write to phone, download to computer, print, send by group, long SMS auto-split, status report, chat mode similar to Yahoo Messenger/ MSN chat mode.
* Phonebook and contacts management: backup, restore, new, edit, delete, print, exchange between cell phone and Outlook / Outlook Express / Notes.
* Logo and picture management: transfer personal logos to your mobile phone, upload pictures or photos you made on computer to your mobile phone.
* Ringtones management: transfer personal ringtones to your mobile phone, play before upload them to your mobile phone.
* Files management: regard your mobile phone as a U disk and manage the phone's files: pictures, photos, ringtones, Ebooks, portraits and so on.
* Picture Editor: edit your pictures of your phone and the pictures captured from your PC, then save them into your phone or your PC.
* Data synchronization function: synchronize contacts between your cell phone and Outlook / Outlook Express / Notes. Synchronize calendar between your cell phone and Outlook / Notes.
* Dial-up Wizard: make your cell phone have the modem function and guide you access the Internet by it.

Benefit from MobTime Cell Phone Manager

* You might input phonebook or contacts by computer, copy contacts from Outlook or Notes to your cell phone, even exchange phonebook or contacts between two or more handsets, which supports a large number of mobile phones.
* You won't have to be worried of phone lost, because you can backup your phonebook or contacts to computer with MobTime Cell Phone Manager.
* You might sync your handset's contact with Outlook or Notes to exchange modified data of each other. The software supports data sync for phone, which do not support sync protocol.
* Your have 3 ways to send group short messages: Input several phone numbers (Partitioned by comma or semicolon); Select multi-card in sendee choosing window; Run "send message " popup menu item after selec multi-card in address list frame.
* You might input short message without length limit, MobTime Cell Phone Manager can split the message to multi-messages automatically.
* You might chat with your friends with the feature of SMS chat in MobTime Cell Phone Manager, just like QQ/MSN.
* You might capture pictures from screen then transfer them to your mobile phone just by mouse clicking lightly.

Communication types

* Data cable (RS232 or USB)
* IrDA
* Bluetooth

Mobile handsets supported

* Alcatel:C753, OT556, OT557, OT735i, OT756, OT757

* Bird: D600, DOEASY X8, S689, S889

* HUAWEI:T618, T668, U526, U626, U636

* Kejian:K358, K606

* LG:C2100, C3300, F1200, F2100, F2300, G282, G622, L3100, W3000

* Mitsubishi:M320, M330, M720

* Motorola:A1000, A630, A925, C350, C381, C650, C975, E1000, E365, E375, E398, E550, T720, T720i, V180, V220, V226, V3, V300, V303, V360, V500, V501, V525, V545, V547, V550, V60, V600, V600i, V635, V66, V70, V750, V80, V872, V878, V975, V980

* Nokia:3100, 3100b, 3108, 3200, 3200a, 3210, 3220, 3230, 3310, 3330, 3410, 3510, 3510i, 3600, 3610, 5100, 5110, 5140, 5140i, 5210, 6020, 6021, 6100, 6101, 6108, 6110, 6111, 6150, 6170, 6210, 6220, 6230, 6230i, 6250, 6260, 6310, 6310i, 6510, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6670, 6681, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7110, 7190, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7360, 7370, 7600, 7610, 7650, 8210, 8250, 8290, 8310, 8800, 8850, 8855, 8890, 8910, 8910i, 9300, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70

* Panasonic:VS2, VS3, X100, X11, X300, X500, X70, X700, X800, X88

* Philips:530, 535, 630, 650, 760, 820, 855, 9@9++, 9@9i

* Sagem:myC5-2, myV-55, myV-56, myX-7, myX-8, myX5-2, myX6-2

* Samsung:C100, C110, C200, C210, C230, D100, D410, D420, D480, D500, D600, E100, E300, E310, E330, E340, E350, E560, E600, E610, E620, E630, E640, E700, E710, E720, E730, E750, E760, E800, E810, E820, E880, P100, P400+, P510, P730, S200, S300, S500, V200, X100, X450, X460, X480, X600, X620, X640, X660, Z130

* Sharp:GX25, GX30

* Siemens:A65, C35i, C45, C55, C60, C62, C65, C75, CF62, CT65, CV65, CX65, CX70, M35, M50, M55, M65, MC60, ME45, S25, S35, S45, S46, S55, S65, SK65, SL45, SL45i, SL55, SL65, SP65, ST60, SX1

* SonyEricsson:A2618, A2638, D750, F500, J300i, K300i, K500i, K508i, K600i, K608i, K700i, K750i, P800, P900, P910, R320, R520, S700i, SH888, T230, T28, T29, T290, T310, T39, T610, T620, T65, T66, T68, T68i, T68ie, V800, W550, W800, Z1010, Z520, Z600, Z800

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أخى جام أشكرك على البرنامج ولكن عندما قمت بتشغيلة طلب منى كلمة سرر ولا أعرف هذة الكلمة أرجوا منك أن ترسل لى الكلمة أكانت رقم أو كلمة

أخي الكريم شكرا لك على جهودك الله يعطيك العافية أرجوك رجاء أخ أن ترسل لي كود التسجيل و لك الشكر الجزيل

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