الرياضيات التطبيقية كتاب Combinatorial Identities


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طاقم الإدارة
Combinatorial Identities
Author(s): Riordan
Publisher: Krieger
Date : 1979
Pages : 256
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0882758292
ISBN-13 : 978-088275829

The object of this book is to present identities in mathematical settings that provide areas of order and coherence. My initial pope that some of this order and coherence would be acquired by the identities themselves now seems illusory. No useful criterion for ranking identities by interest and importance has emerged. The identities treated, both old and new, seem to lose whatever memorable character they have by the profusion that surrounds them. The reader is warned that he may not expect his identity of the moment, however fascinating it seems, to be listed and verified, although he may find clues to a region or an area of verification. The central fact developed is that identities are both inexhaustible and unpredictable; the age-old dream of putting order in this chaos is doomed to failure.
