كيمياء فيزيائية كتاب : Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes


Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes By Lawrence J. Dunne, George Manos
Publisher: Springer 2009-11-01 | 380 Pages | ISBN: 9048124808 | PDF | 5.7 MB

Channels of nanotubular dimensions exist in a variety of materials (examples are carbon nanotubes and the nanotubular channels of zeolites and zeotypes) and show promise for numerous applications due to their unique properties. One of their most important properties is their capacity to adsorb molecules and these may exist in a variety of phases.

"Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes" provides an excellent review of recent and current work on adsorption on nanometerials. It is an impressive collection of papers dealing with the adsorption and phase behaviour in nanoporous materials from both experimental and theoretical perspectives.

"Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes" focuses on carbon nanotubes as well as zeolites and related materials.




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