العلاج الطبيعي Positional Release Techniques


مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Positional Release Techniques

By Leon Chaitow


Product Description:
Building on the success of the 1st Edition and its accompanying video, this outstanding how-to manual features up-to-date chapters that cover the latest developments in the field. This osteopathic method focuses on allowing spontaneous physiological release of hypertonic muscles, including those in spasm. The gentleness of positional release techniques, the ease of application, and the potential for instant response are just a few of the benefits to patients, especially in cases of acute spasm and pain. It also allows chronically tense tissues to relax, making it a useful component of integrated therapeutic interventions that employ other soft tissue and joint normalization procedures. A new CD-ROM included FREE with the text offers high-quality video clips demonstrating specific techniques, as well as the entire text of the book in an on-screen, searchable format.

أشكرك جزيل الشكر على مرورط الطيب
Flowers , are you sure of that title ? is it the positional release edition or is it the "Modern neuromuscular techniques" please let me know
these files need a joiner like they were split with a splitter; what was used to split them and how do we joint the files to extract the contents
yes it does Flowers ; key is to name the first file (if it is not named that way already) .rar.001
then number 2 as .rar.001.002
then number 3 as .rar.001.003
then number 4 as .rar.001.004
then put them in the same folder and extract either using winrar ( I think)
then you extract or if winrar doesn't do it right, you use another free utility for joining-splitting ( I don't remember its name as I deleted it after I did the extraction, but I found other free utilities doing the same thing when you have the files in that order 001, 002, 003 and so on
Experiment is now under way
God willing, will be the best solution