كتاب : Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures​


Mohamed El-Reedy, "Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures"
CRC | 2009 | ISBN: 1420088912 | 327 pages | PDF | 7,1 MB​

This presentation of modern and advanced technology in the reinforced concrete industries speaks to the rise and evolution of construction of reinforced concrete structures worldwide. Addressing the global focus on research into materials and techniques that enhance quality and reduce cost, this book examines all structural systems presently used worldwide on structures ranging from small buildings to high-rises. It refers to both British Standard (BS) and American specifications (ACI) to discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each system. In addition, it details new materials and cutting-edge construction methods, as well as advanced techniques to protect reinforced steel bars within concrete.​

From China to Kuala Lumpur to Dubai to downtown New York, amazing buildings and unusual structures create attention with the uniqueness of their design. While attractive to developers and investors, the safe and economic design and construction of reinforced concrete buildings can sometimes be problematic. Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures discusses how to create safety and economy in design, construction, and maintenance operations plans. The author presents up-to-date data on advanced materials and techniques, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of different structure systems in durability, reliability, construction, and architectural requirements.​

Highlighting the competitive nature of the business, the author delineates the statistical parameters that govern quality control in concrete construction projects, defining complicated statistical terms and the theoretical background needed for determining and meeting quality control criteria. He begins with a discussion of how to control the project to meet the owner’s requirements and includes coverage of the international codes for different loads that affect buildings. The book details traditional and emerging materials used in concrete technology such as high-strength, high-performance, and self-compacted concrete as well as those used in all construction stages for various climates. It concludes with a description of a risk-based maintenance plan for reinforced concrete structures.​

A guidebook and handbook, this resource provides the information required for decision-making on structure systems, materials, construction methods, and maintenance plans. Filled with case studies, it delineates practical applications and up-to-date methods for designing and constructing buildings that are aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.​


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د. محمد عبدالله الريدى

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حيث أننى مؤلف الكتاب برجاء من إدارة الموقع أخذ الموافقة منى قبل التوزيع لأى من كتبى... .ومع ذلك من يريد أى من الزملاء أى أيضاح أو معلومات أضافية لا يتردد فى الأتصال بى وأرحب باى تعليق على الكتاب وتحميل بعض المواد من خلال : elreedyma@hotmail.com
فخيركم من تعلم العلم وعلمه. وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الأحترام
د. محمد عبدالله الريدى
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