Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers


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Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers
Author(s): Richard G. Rice, Duong D. Do
Publisher: Wiley
Date : 1994
Pages : 731
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0471303771

This is an excellent and focused book for graduate ChemE's. Lots of the problems are the types you would see in graduate transport and controls courses. Everything is written with ChemE problems in mind. It's not like other textbooks, like Kreyzig's, that simply put out a bunch of generic problems to solve; still, Kreyzig's textbook is an engineering math classic, and you should have it on-hand in case you need some extra explanations. It is certainly better than the text of Varma and Morbidelli, which tends to move off-topic quickly and answer several unnecessary problems.
This text by Rice and Do is the best I've seen, but it is really hard to get a hold of. Good luck getting it, as it is certainly a good investment.

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