كتاب : CAD/CAM Of Sculptured Surfaces On A Multi-Axis NC Machine


اللؤلؤ المنثور
CAD/CAM Of Sculptured Surfaces On A Multi-Axis NC Machine


Many products are designed with aesthetic sculptured surfaces to enhance their appearance, an important factor in customer satisfaction, especially for automotive and consumer electronics prod-ucts. In other cases, products have sculptured surfaces to meet functional requirements. Functional surfaces interact with the environment or with other surfaces. Because of this, functional surfaces can also be called dynamic surfaces. Functional surfaces do not possess the property to slide over itself, which causes significant complexity in machining of sculptured surfaces. The application of multiaxis numerically controlled (NC) machines is the only way for an efficient machining of sculp-tured surfaces. Reduction of machining time is a critical issue when machining sculptured surfaces on multiaxis NC machines. To reduce the machining cost of a sculptured surface, the machining time must be as short as possible

Table of Contents

Analytical Representation of Sculptured Surfaces
Kinematics of Sculptured-Surface Machining
Analytical Description of the Geometry of Contact of the Sculptured Surface and of the Generating Surface of the Form-Cutting Tool
Form-Cutting Tools of Optimal Design
Conditions of Proper Sculptured-Surface Generation
Predicted Accuracy of the Machined Sculptured Surface
Optimal Sculptured-Surface Machining



