برنامج البرمجة المساعد Chrome v. for MS Visual Studio 2003&2005


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برنامج البرمجة المساعد Chrome v. for MS Visual Studio 2003&2005


Chrome™ 1.5 for Visual Studio
In creating a new language and compiler, whether for the .NET Framework or for any other platform, one thing is almost as important as the language itself: having a powerful and comfortable IDE that enables developers to be efficient in using the language and creating applications with it.

Since the early stages of development, Chrome's integration with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and new Visual Studio 2005 has been the top priority. Visual Studio not only provides a flexible yet powerful environment to host Chrome in, it is also the IDE of choice for most .NET developers and is readily available (as part of the MSDN Subscription) to most Windows developers - even those currently using other tools than Visual Studio.

What's more, Visual Studio currently presents the state of the art of what's available in regard to developer productivity, especially with the newly released Visual Studio 2005 and third party IDE extensions such as CodeRush.

Experience Object Pascal Natively Integrated into Visual Studio

Chrome integrates into Visual Studio as a first class citizen to give you the exact same development experience that you get with Microsoft's own languages such as C# and Visual Basic. All the IDE features work seamlessly with Chrome, and your existing experience with using C# or Visual Basic will apply - making you productive from the first minute.

Mixing Projects

The tight integration allows you to mix projects of different languages in a single solution, enabling you to easily develop and debug cross-language solutions right inside the Visual Studio IDE.

You can reference Chrome projects from Visual Basic, or use existing C# libraries in your Chrome application (or vice versa), set breakpoints and trace through the different languages when debugging. This makes it really easy to start integrating Chrome based projects into your existing solutions, without having to leave your existing C# or Visual Basic code base behind.

The Chrome language has been designed from the ground up for easy interoperability; assemblies generated with Chrome are proper .NET citizens; co-developers or external developers will be able to consume your Chrome assemblies as easy and as seamlessly as if they had been developed in C# - in many cases they might not even be able to tell the difference.

Leverage Existing Visual Studio Add-Ins

By integrating with Visual Studio, Chrome users can also benefit from many of the IDE add-ins available for it. Special Chrome-specific support is in the works for many extensions, including Developer Express' CodeRush, ModelMaker Code Explorer, DPack and more.

Visual Studio 2005 and Beyond

The new Chrome 1.5 builds upon the the first release to provide full support for both Visual Studio .NET2003 IDE (and the .NET 1.1 framework) and the new Visual Studio 2005 released on November 7 (and the .NET 2.0 framework). All major new features of 2005/2.0 are supported, including new language features such as Generics, Nullable Types and Iterators, and IDE features such as full integration with the new Visual Web Developer project framework for ASP.NET 2.0.

Development for Chrome isn't stopping after the release of 1.5, and our team is busy implementing new and new and exciting features - both for .NET 1.1 and for 2.0.

What's New in Chrome 1.5?
Find out what's new and improved in Chrome 1.5, such as support for nullable types, iterators, and Smart Editing™.

Try Chrome 1.5
Experience Chrome for yourself by downloading the latest Trial Version of Chrome 1.5 for Visual Studio.

Chrome 1.5 integrates with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and the new Visual Studio 2005, and supports buildin applications for .NET 1.1 and 2.0, the .NET Compact Framework and Mono.

Free Command Line Edition
Not a user of Visual Studio, or looking to install Chrome on Linux or your ASP.NET web server? Get the free Command Line Edition, now!

Order Now
Convinced that Chrome is the right language for you? Order your copy of Chrome 1.5, now

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