Male Infertility: Diagnosis and Treatment
By Thinus F. Kruger, Sergio Oehninger
* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 468
* Publication Date: 2007-01-23
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415397421
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415397421
Product Description:
Male factor infertility is a common problem in reproductive medicine and can have a significant effect of the outcome of IVF treatment. This comprehensive book covers the diagnosis and treatment of male factor infertility in depth. It opens with a section on the basic science underlying the production of male gametes. There is then a major section on diagnosis that will prove very useful to a wide range of andrologists, endocrinologists, and REIs faced with unpicking the problems facing infertile couples. The final section addresses management of the subfertile male, including endocrinologic, surgical, and ART interventions. The book is authored by a prestigious, international team of contributors.