كيمياء فيزيائية Chemical and Biochemical Physics, Kinetics and Thermodynamics: New Perspectives


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طاقم الإدارة
Chemical and Biochemical Physics, Kinetics and Thermodynamics: New Perspectives
By Paul E. Stott, G. E. Zaikov, Viktor F. Kablov

Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Number Of Pages: 256
Publication Date:
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 160456024X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781604560244

Product Description:

This book includes new and important research on antioxidants for chemistry and biology, kinetics and mechanisms of molecular, radical and ion reactions in chemistry and biochemistry, chemistry of ozone (reactions of ozone with organic and inorganic compounds, action of antiozonants), application of electron magnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance in chemistry and biology, investigations of the structure and properties of nanocomposites (nanotubes, particularly), investigations on the structure and properties of nanocomposites (nanotubes, particularly), and investigations of heterogeneous-heterophases mechanisms of reaction in polymer matrix.It also includes reasearch on preparation and using of organic papanagnets for investigation of radical reactions in chemistry and biology, investigation of kinetic parameters in biochemical reactions, new designs for processing, mechanisms of oxidation and stabilisation of organic compounds (including polymers), polymer blends, composites and filled polymers (preparation, properties and application), and information about genetic construction, reactions with participants of enzymes

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