كتاب : Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction


Paperback: 688 pages
Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (October 23, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402061013
ISBN-13: 978-1402061011
Format: PDF

Description: This book is the 2nd edition of a book published in 1995. The first book was written parallel to major developments in the science of risk assessment following the introduction of EU-legislation on industrial chemicals in the period 1970-1995. The present edition reflects the progress and experience since 1995 and again aims at providing background and training material for a new generation of risk assessors, specifically for those who will be involved in implementing legislation in the EU (REACH, the new legislative framework for industrial chemicals) and, in addition, the USA, Japan and Canada. The book is an introduction to risk assessment of chemicals and contains basic background information on sources, emissions, distribution and fate processes for the estimation of exposure of plant and animal species in the environment and humans exposed via the environment, consumer products, and at the workplace. This book includes chapters on environmental chemistry, toxicology and ecotoxicology as well as information on data requirements, data estimation methodologies and intelligent testing strategies. It describes the basic principles and methods of risk assessment in the legislative frameworks of the EU, USA, Japan, and Canada. It also provides an overview of the OECD Chemicals Program. The book is intended to be used by those who are involved in risk assessment of chemicals in government, research institutes, academia and industry as well as by students in technology, health and environmental sciences.



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