مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Managing Chronic Pain: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Workbook (Treatments That Work)
By John Otis

Product Description:
Chronic pain has a multitude of causes, many of which are not well understood or effectively treated by medical therapies. Individuals with chronic pain often report that pain interferes with their ability to engage in occupational, social, or recreational activities. Sufferers' inability to engage in these everyday activities may contribute to increased isolation, negative mood and physical deconditioning, which in turn can contribute to their experience of pain.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been proven effective at managing various chronic pain conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, and tension/migraine headache. The CBT treatment engages patients in an active coping process aimed at changing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that can serve to maintain and exacerbate the experience of chronic pain. Overcoming Chronic Pain, Therapist Guide instills all of these empirically validated treatments into one comprehensive, convenient volume that no clinician can do without. By presenting the basic, proven-effective CBT methods used in each treatment, such as stress management, sleep hygiene, relaxation therapy and cognitive restructuring, this guide can be used to treat all chronic pain conditions with success.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been proven effective at managing various chronic pain conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, and tension/migraine headache. The CBT treatment engages patients in an active coping process aimed at changing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that can serve to maintain and exacerbate the experience of chronic pain. Overcoming Chronic Pain, Therapist Guide instills all of these empirically validated treatments into one comprehensive, convenient volume that no clinician can do without. By presenting the basic, proven-effective CBT methods used in each treatment, such as stress management, sleep hygiene, relaxation therapy and cognitive restructuring, this guide can be used to treat all chronic pain conditions with success.