برنامج رائع:Wave Tools 1.0 لتحليل الموجات و.....


مشرف بكليات الهندسة
طاقم الإدارة

السلام عليكم

WaveTools is a suite of real-time audio analysis tools for high quality measurements: Spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope (with calibration in dB or Volts), Signal Generator (tones plus pink and white noise) and Audio Meter / Vectorscope. Although the program was written for Windows 3.1, it runs fine on XP as well. Features include:
Oscilloscope - a dual-channel storage oscilloscope
Spectrum Analyzer - a narrowband spectrum analyzer. The display shows level (Y-axis) against frequency (X-axis)
Audio Meter - provides stereo peak meters, stereo RMS (average) meters, phase correlation meter, vectroscope and peak hold.
Signal Generator - produce test tones from 20 Hz to 20 kHz plus white and pink noise. 1/3-octave band
frequencies and musical notes (based on A440) can be directly selected from the menu.


التحميل من المرفقات


  • 4n1tool[1].zip
    210.4 KB · المشاهدات: 94
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التفاعلات: Samo