العلاج الطبيعي Guide to Fitness During and After Pregnancy in the CF


مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Guide to Fitness During and After Pregnancy in the CF


Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life—a challenging and even magical time. Regular physical activity during pregnancy can help you get through it more comfortably, with fewer health concerns or problems. The purpose of training during pregnancy is to maintain some of your fitness. It is not a time to try and increase your aerobic capacity or your muscular strength. While the Canadian Forces has developed a number of excellent fitness programs, none of them were designed to accommodate the special needs of the active pregnant woman. This booklet outlines a fitness maintenance program specifically for pregnant women and was designed with the health and safety of you and your baby in mind.
Every pregnant CF member may use this Guide as the main source of information for training during pregnancy.

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التفاعلات: Samo