كيمياء تحليلية Progress in organic functional group analysis


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Progress in organic functional group analysis
T. S. MA
Department c# Chemistry, Brooklyn Cotbege, Brooklyn,
New York

This review follows the last one1 without any duplication of references. A summary of the literature dealing with determinzltions of organic functional groups on the micro scale (approximately 0.1 meq.) which came to the attention of the reviewer during the past year will be found in Table I. Most of these papers are discussed in the text below, together with some publications on maCro (> 1 meq.) and ultramicro (approximately 1 peq.) m&hods which may 1)~ adapted to the micro scale.

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  • Progress in organic functional group analysis.pdf
    780.8 KB · المشاهدات: 102
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