Text alone is simply not sufficient for assimilating the enormous amount of clinical knowledge necessary in today's practice of emergency medicine. Volumes of well-written text simply cannot replace what our eyes experience. Atlas of Emergency Medicine, second edition, continues to serve as the reference and teaching guide to the visual clues seen in emergency medicine.The Atlas is not meant to be a comprehensive text nor a treatise on diagnosis. The images collected portray the scope and breadth of emergency practice and, as such, represent the most comprehensive collection of excellent emergency clinical images.
The organization of the Atlas of Emergency Medicine, second edition, is based on regional anatomy for Part 1, with Part 2 comprised of selected specialty areas. Part 2 has undergone a robust expansion with the addition of four new chapters mentioned above. The Contents shows the individual diagnoses displayed in each chapter. A brief text accompanies each diagnosis and, with the exception of the final chapter (Microscopic Findings), includes the following sections: Associated Clinical Features, Differential Diagnosis, Emergency Department Treatment and Disposition, and Clinical Pearls.
Atlas of Emergency Medicine is an easy-to-read textbook of emergency medicine told with innumerable clinical pearls and instructive teaching supplemented by pictures and illustrations.
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