تعلم حتى الاحتراف Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step


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تعلم حتى الاحتراف Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step


Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step
Microsoft Press | CHM | 4 MB

Welcome to Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step, a comprehensive introduction to Visual Basic programming using the Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 software. I've designed this practical, hands-on tutorial with a variety of skill levels in mind. The result is that new programmers can learn software development fundamentals in the context of useful, real-world applications, and experienced Visual Basic programmers can quickly master the essential tools and programming techniques offered in the Visual Basic 2005 upgrade.

Complementing this comprehensive approach is the book's structure—4 topically organized parts, 20 chapters, and 54 step-by-step exercises and sample programs. By using this book, you'll quickly learn how to create professional-quality Visual Basic 2005 applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system and a variety of Web browsers. You'll also have fun

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