Radiation Protection and Measurement for Low-Voltage Neutron Generators


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Radiation Protection and Measurement for Low-Voltage Neutron Generators
(N C R P Report Nro. 72)

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements

Number Of Pages: 80
Publication Date: 1983-06
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0913392618
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780913392614
Binding: Paperback

BooK Description
This report is concerned with neutron generators that operate at voltages below a few hundred kilovolts and produce neutrons chiefly by the T(d,n) reaction. The Report provides information on the radiation protection problems in the use of these generators and the means available for dealing with these problems. It is intended to serve as a guide to good practice and bring together in one place, a number of recommendations relevant to the use of low voltage neutron generators that have appeared in other NCRP documents. The Report surveys the radiations produced by low voltage neutron generators and their measurement. It then addresses the fundamentals of radiation protection, including shielding and physical safeguards. Guidance is given on radioactive waste resulting from the use of neutron generators and information is provided on nonradiation hazards and licensing. Appendices provide definitions of terms and treat the measurement of tritium and D-T neutron shielding.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2 . Radiations Produced by Low-Voltage Neutron Generators
2.1 Neutrons
2.2 X Rays
2.3 Gamma Rays
2.4 Induced Radioactivity
3. Fundamentals of Radiation Protection
3.1 Control of Exposure to Radiation
3.2 Permissible Limits
3.3 Radiation Surveys
3.4 Personnel Monitoring
3.5 Radiation Protection Personnel
3.6 "Overexposure"
4 . Shielding and Other Physical Safeguards
4.1 Shielding
4.2 Other Physical Safeguards
5 . Measurement of Radiation
5.1 Dose Equivalent
5.2 Measurement of External Radiation
5.3 Measurement of Tritium
6 . Radioactive Waste: Nature, Sources, Handling, and Storage
6.1 Nature of Radioactive Waste
6.2 Sources of Radioactive Waste
6.3 Handling and Storage of Contaminated Waste
7 . Other Hazards
7.1 Electrical Hazards
7.2 Implosion of Evacuated Glass Components
7.3 Noxious Gases
7.4 Fire Protection
8. Licensing

APPENDIX A Definitions
APPENDIX B Measurement of Tritium
APPENDIX C D-T Neutron Shielding
APPENDIX D NCRP Statement on Dose Limit for Neutrons
NCRP Publications