CambridgeSoft ChemOffice 2010 v12


Active Member

ChemOffice is a very good software to perform a chemical formula, the formula on personal computers.This article introduce software this useful, Chemoffice includes drawing tools such as ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder and ChemACX for the chemical; BioOffice, BioAssay, BioViz, and BioDraw for biological, and Inventory, E -Notebook, The Merck Index for scientists.
ChemOffice and BioOffice can run on Microsoft Windows operating. ChemOffice only the Windows operating system. Those who use Macintosh operating systems can purchase ChemDraw, the latest and includes almost full for the Macintosh. In ChemOffice, no software of Macintosh machines.
Version ChemOffice Viewer 2006 can help you see the basic formula. Ultimate version of ChemOffice, including ChemDraw Ultra 10.0, MestReC Std (W), BioViz Ultra 10.0, BioDraw Ultra 10.0, Chem3D Ultra 10.0, GAMESS Pro 10.0, BioOffice 2006 Ultra, BioAssay Ultra 10.0, ChemFinder Ultra 10.0, Inventory Ultra 10.0, E - Notebook Ultra 10.0 and the data's full ChemINDEX, ChemACX, & Ashgate Drugs. ChemOffice Pro version added more applications BioViz, BioAssay and Inventory, the database and ChemACX Ashgate Drugs.

The basic applications:

• ChemDraw Ultra BioDraw & performing chemical formula. This software to create documents and drawings, the tools chemical experiments, the chemical formula of the natural and important with the creation of the basic principles of chemical elements.
ChemDraw supports the performance of chemical formula, and the formed, and part geometry, and study the optical model with a different formula such as Fisher formula, the distribution, Newmen ...
• Chem3D Ultra performing formula 3D elements are strong. Software of this formula in the 3-dimensional beauty, convenience, can copy and paste through the applications as image, you can also save to multiple formats such as image files (gif, jpeg), movie file (avi) ... to insert into the other applications such as text, lectures Electronic ...

Besides Chem 3D can indicate the name, substance, length of association, the volume of parts ...
Chem 3D can perform the elements of a variety of forms such as wire, que, bridges, and the que, link cylinder ...
• BioViz and ChemFinder Ultra for creating and searching the data related chemical.
• The version for personal computers by E-Notebook Ultra (magazine Electronic Lab), Inventory Ultra (inventory management of chemicals) and BioAssay Ultra (Data Analysis Biology) will be integrated in ChemOffice Ultra to provide functionality from the applications business CambridgeSoft in personal computers.
• ChemOffice Ultra including access to the structure of the database ChemFinder can search many databases ChemACX, Ashgate Drugs ChemINDEX and Ultra, and directory with more than 75.000 single chemicals, listed the chemical structure, 3D structure, registration number, synonyms, physical properties and links to the Internet.
• MestReC Lite, an application process off-line, analysis of NMR data of work.

The main functions:

• drawing tools for chemical and biological
• Images and 3D models
• Search data
• Electronic Lab Journal
• Manage inventory of chemicals
• Analysis of biological data.
• Process analysis and NMR.In summary, Chemoffice software helps write the formula of the chemicals quickly and accurately with the simple operation, you can run this program comes with integrated software drafting of a Word use.

And many more applications are awaiting our discovery.
ChemOffice Pro 2010 features now available:
This premier chemistry suite includes ChemBioDraw Ultra 12.0, MNova Std / Lite, ChemScript, ChemBio3D Ultra 12.0, ChemBioFinder Pro 12.0, ChemDraw / Excel, and E-Notebook Ultra 12.0, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls, as well as the ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS) databases.
* E-Notebook
o Offline mode - work offline and sync later
o Full text search - search contents of collections, documents, and styled text fields
* ChemBioDraw
o Sequence Tool with disulphide bonds, and wrapping sequence Shaping
o Name = Struct for enhanced support and bridged fused ring systems
o Name = Struct ambiguous name recognition
o Documents can contain over 16 million colors
* ChemBio3D
o Stochastic conformational sampling


Use serial

after finish installation, copy this file RegCodeCOM12.dll in C@ck folder and then paste to this folder

C:\Program Files\CambridgeSoft\ChemOffice2010\Common\DLLs
جزاك الله خيرا

لكن احب التنويه الى ان هذه الكلمة لن تصلح لان البرنامج يحتاج الى كلمة سر و بنفس الوقت كود تفعيل سأحاول رفعه في المرفقات في وقت اخر ان شاء الله
جزاك الله خير

اخي الكريم انا حملت المبرنامج سابقا واريد فقط ملف التسجيل RegCodeCOM12.dll
جزاك الله خيرا

لكن احب التنويه الى ان هذه الكلمة لن تصلح لان البرنامج يحتاج الى كلمة سر و بنفس الوقت كود تفعيل سأحاول رفعه في المرفقات في وقت اخر ان شاء الله

You could use every name you like to register but you have to use serial and activated code created by the keygen below. Good luck!
رجاءا ارجو المساعدة
كلما احاول احمل البرنامج من الروابط مايتحمل عندي وتتحمل صفحة نت عندي بس شو السبب وشنو الحل افيدوني رجاءا
شكرا على البرنامج المفيد
حملت الملفات ولكن ماهي الخطوة التالة لتثبيت البرنامج
السلام عليكم
ممكن تساعدوني اني كلما اضغط عالروابط تفتحلي صفحة 4share ومابيها ايعاز داونلود ويطلب مني تسجيل ممكن اعرف شلون احمل البرنامج وجزاكم الله الف خير اخواني
مشكورين ياجماعه .. بس عندي استفسار ..

دحين انا منزله النسخه التجريبيه اسبوعين وانتهت امس، فهل ينفع ادخل نفس السيريال نمبر نفسه الي فوق ؟ وهل مازال فعال ؟ وفي الشاشه الي تظهر لي مطلوب بس السريال نمبر .. فايش الداعي لكود التفعيل ؟ واخر شي .. هو اني في كندا فهل تتوقعوا اني لو نزلت الكراك بيكفشوني خصوصا ان معلوماتي وعنوان السكن مسجل .. اقصد في خطر ولا سيف ؟

تحياتي وشاكرين افضالكم ..
أعدت رفع الملفات في الروابط التالية

بعد تحميل الملفات تستخرج في ملف واحد
من ملف 1 يثبت البرنامج وعند انتهاء التثبيت يفتح الملف
يحتوي على مستند وورد فيه السيريال نمبر
ثم ينسخ الملف المنتهي بـ
ويلصق في المسار
C:\Program Files\CambridgeSoft\ChemOffice2010\Common\DLLs
وصلى اللهم وسلم على نبينا محمد​