كتاب : Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps and their Systems


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps and their Systems


Book Description
Hardbound. Pumps are fine until they malfunction or break down. When that happens, the first priority is to get the pump functioning again and to keep 'down time' to a minimum. Many problems can be diagnosed and rectified using a combination of knowledge and experience, the latter coming over time. This book, written by a very experienced engineer, guides the reader through diagnostic pathways leading to logical explanations for the malfunctions and their correction.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Centrifugal Pump Basics
How Centrifugal Pumps Work
Performance Curves
Combined Impellers For:
• More Flow
• More Pressure
Cavitation And Npsh

Chapter 3 - Pipe System Basics
Frictional Head Systems
Combined Friction And Static Head Systems
Mainly Static Head Systems
Interaction Between Pump And System; Equilibrium Flow
Pipe-Work Design Rules

Chapter 4 - Generalised Operating Flowchart

Chapter 5 - "Does The Pump Need To Start Yet?"
Decisions And Options

Chapter 6 - "Are Conditions Satisfactory For Start-Up?"
A Mechanical Concerns
• Pipe Loads
• Preparation
• Warm-Up
• Set Up
B Hydraulic Issues
• A1-Liquid Issues
• A2-Piping Problems
• A3-Priming And Venting

Chapter 7 - "Start Pump"!
Starting Solo Pumps
• Speed Torque Curves
Starting Multiple Pumps:
• Parallel Operation
• Series Operation

Chapter 8 - Has Pumped Started Satisfactorily?
Site Testing
Low Flow Problems
High Flow Problems

Chapter 9 - Does The Pump Continue To Operate Well?
Performance Decay Problems
Abrasive Solids

Chapter 10 - Does Pump Need To Stop Yet?
Decisions And Options

Chapter 11 - Stop Pump!
Surge And Water Hammer

Chapter 12 - Has Pump Stopped Correctly?

Chapter 13 - Pump Selection Guidelines





