Chemistry of Clay Minerals


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Chemistry of Clay Minerals
(Developments in Sedimentology)
Charles E. Weaver, L.D. Pollard


Elsevier Science Ltd
Number Of Pages: 221
Publication Date: 1973-04
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444410430
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444410436

In 1962 Dr. Earl Ingerson of the United States Geological Survey asked the senior
author to write a review of the chemistry of the clay minerals to include in a new Data
of Geothemistry. As there was no existing detailed review of the clay minerals, I
decided to try to make the review critical and fairly comprehensive. A draft version
was sent to Dr. Michael Fleischer (new editor of Data of Geochemistry) in 1968.
Dr. Fleischer was concerned about the kngth of the review but agreed to publish
it as a Professional Paper; however, he recommended that I try to get it published by a
commercial publisher. In 1970, Dr. Lin Pollard kindly agreed to help me up-date and
finalize the original draft. This work was completed at the end of 1971.
The book is not as comprehensive as I would like. In part, this is because the
original request was to make a selected review and not stray far from chemistry. 1
think the book will serve a purpose and will be a base that will make future reviews
Thanks are extended to Wes Rice of the Continental Oil Company for assisting
with the computer programming, Horace Bledsoe, Jr. for doing the drafting and
Dianne Clark for doiq the typing. The assistance of John Hathaway, Earl Ingerson
and Mike Fleischer is also deeply appreciated. A number of people volunteered original
data which is acknowledged in the text.
The senior author dedicates this book to Janice, Alaine, Patrice and Allison for
their forbearance


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