مشرف سابق

This dvd Talknow firm
English ogreniyorum
German ogreniyorum
French ogreniyorum
Spanish ogreniyorum
Arabic ogreniyorum
cekoslovakca ogreniyorum
Chinese ogreniyorum
Dutch ogreniyorum
Hebrew ogreniyorum
Swedish ogreniyorum
Japanese ogreniyorum
Hungarian ogreniyorum
Polish ogreniyorum
Turkish ogreniyorum
Greek ogreniyorum

training set of 15 cd language CDs in Turkish, including içerir.Her set expression language is available in several languages.
# Foreign language quickly this program designed for learning isteyelenler more than 2 million sold worldwide.
# New and fun will help you remember what you have learned methoduyla you the possibility to keywords.
# Voice recording feature to talk with the speakers on the screen with the exams have learned karşılaştır.Dört level testing, see the score, you want progress.
# Automatic localization, foreign language conversion more than 80 options. Topics include; greet with numbers, first words, to exchange the body of the food items, colors, numbers, until all the sentences, phrases and words.
# There is a picture dictionary for receiving your printer
To work with any language Dvddeki Talk-Now enter the folder
Choose the language double tıklayın.CD there 's the TALKNOW file
Rich (BB code):