*** خريطة كهربائية لكابل التوصيل ما بين((siemens logo and pc )) ***


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هذا رسم لخريطة كهربائية عملية لدائره كابل التوصيل مابين جهاز الحسوب وجهاز (( سيمنس لوجو )) ارجو الاستفاده منها كما يتضمن الموضوع شرح تفصيلي عن الدائره والقطع الاليكترونية المستخدمة بالدائره!!!!!!!!!!!!


Draft of Werner Kriegmaier around the connection of Siemens HP of the LOGO! row with the serial interface of a PC to manufacture, requires it a special adaptor cable. Such a cable can be acquired ready-made (for expensive money), one can it in addition, inexpensive even manufacture. The interface circuit consists of a galvanic separation and a level transducer. Will here achieved in addition, the galvanic separation by the double opto coupler PC827 von Sharp, it can two individual PC817 or other types be used, if their CTR (transfer current ratio) at least 50 % amounts to (with IF = 5 mA). Since the two opto couplers are switched inverting, two inverters IC3a (to the PC) and IC3b (of the PC) must again turn around the signals. R3 functions as current limiting resistance, R4 as Pull UP resistance, in order to keep the line safe High, if the signal level is not clearly Low. For the level transformation of 0/+5 V (SPS side) on symmetrical ±12... 15 V (RS232) and turned around the well-known MAX232 is used. Since only a RxD and a TxD line are needed, one can switch in each case two drivers of the MAX232 per direction parallel. Its own voltage supply does not need the LOGO! interface usually. The level transducer, which becomes photo transistor side of IC2a as well as the LED side of IC2b supplied via the RS232-Schnittstelle. Breakdown diode D2 limits in addition the tension on +5 V. The LOGO! SPS supplies the operating voltage for the inverters, the LED side of IC2a and the transistor side of IC2b. The interface circuit needs only approximately 10 mA of the RS232-Schnittstelle. In rare cases this can make excessive demands of the interface driver of the PC, so that an external 5-V-Stromversorgung becomes necessary.

(( سبقناهم...سبقونا....سنسبقهم ان شاء اللة))

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