مجموعة كتب عن اللافقريات invertebrates


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التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

Compiled and directed by
Armand R. Maggenti, Ph.D.

Edited by
Scott L. Gardner, Ph.D.

A dictionary of terms related to invertebrate biology arranged in alphabetical order.

An exhaustive dictionary of over 13,000 terms relating to invertebrate zoology, including etymologies, word derivations and taxonomic classification. Entries cover parasitology, nematology, marine invertebrates, insects, and anatomy, biology, and reproductive processes for the following phyla: Acanthocephala, Annelida, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Chaetognatha, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Echinodermata, Echiura, Entoprocta, Gastrotricha, Gnathostomulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Mesozoa, Mollusca, Nemata, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Onychophora, Pentastoma, Phoronida, Placozoa, Platyhelminthes, Pogonophora, Porifera, Priapula, Rotifera, Sipuncula, and Tardigrada.

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التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
An Introduction to the Invertebrates

An Introduction to the Invertebrates


Cambridge University Press | 2006-09-25 | ISBN: 0521857368 | 338 pages | PDF | 2 Mb
So much has to be crammed into today's biology courses that basic information on animal groups and their evolutionary origins is often left out. This is particularly true for the invertebrates. The second edition of Janet Moore's An Introduction to the Invertebrates fills this gap by providing a short updated guide to the invertebrate phyla, looking at their diverse forms, functions and evolutionary relationships. This book first introduces evolution and modern methods of tracing it, then considers the distinctive body plan of each invertebrate phylum showing what has evolved, how the animals live, and how they develop. Boxes introduce physiological mechanisms and development. The final chapter explains uses of molecular evidence and presents an up-to-date view of evolutionary history, giving a more certain definition of the relationships between invertebrates. This user-friendly and well-illustrated introduction will be invaluable for all those studying invertebrates.
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التفاعلات: mann1
Ecological Impacts of Non-Native Invertebrates and Fungi on Terrestrial Ecosystems


Springer | ISBN: 1402096798 | 2009-03-01 | PDF | 158 pages | 5 Mb
Since the arrival of Europeans about 500 years ago, an estimated 50,000 non-native species have been introduced to North America (including Hawaii). Non-native species figure prominently in our lives, often as ornamentals, sources of food or pests. Although many introduced species are beneficial, there is increasing awareness of the enormous economic costs associated with non-native pests. In contrast, the ecological impacts of non-native species have received much less public and scientific attention, despite the fact that invasion by exotic species ranks second to habitat destruction as a cause of species loss. In particular, there is little information about the ecological impacts of hyper-diverse groups such as terrestrial fungi and invertebrates. A science symposium, Ecological impacts of non-native invertebrates and fungi on terrestrial ecosystems, held in 2006, brought together scientists from the USA and Canada to review the state of knowledge in this field of work. Additional reviews were solicited following the symposium. The resulting set of review/synthesis papers and case studies represents a cross-section of work on ecological impacts of non-native terrestrial invertebrates and fungi. Although there is a strong focus on Canadian work, there is also significant presentation of work in the northern USA and Europe.

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التفاعلات: mann1
Invertebrates As Webmasters in Ecosystems


Invertebrates are conspicuous, influential components in all of the ecosystems of the world. Assemblages of invertebrates assume an organizing function and hence may be considered as "webmasters" in these ecosystems. This book reviews and assesses our current understanding of invertebrates in
terrestrial and terrestrially-dominated (lower-order stream) ecosystems. It emphasizes the centrality of the activity of invertebrates, which influence ecosystem function far out of proportion to their physical mass in a wide range of situations, particularly at the interface between land and air
(litter/soil), water and land (sediments) and in tree canopies and root/soil systems.

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التفاعلات: mann1
intestinal microorganisms of termites and other invertebrates soil biology


Intestinal Microorganisms of Termites and Other Invertebrates (Soil Biology)
By Helmut König, Ajit Varma

  • Publisher: Springer
  • Number Of Pages: 483
  • Publication Date: 2005-12-01
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3540281800
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783540281801

Product Description:
Soil microorganisms play a major role in the degradation and recycling of organic material. Microbes are involved in the food web and strongly contribute to soil fertility. In the past, attention was mainly directed towards free-living or particle-bound microorganisms, while the role of intestinal microbes of soil animals has been neglected.
For the first time, "Intestinal Microorganisms of Termites and Other Invertebrates" focuses on the microbes in gut systems of soil animals. It starts with a profound overview of the biology of soil invertebrates. A major part deals with the gut microbiota of termites, the best investigated gut system of invertebrates. Termites are important soil processors in tropical and subtropical regions. Insight is given into the intestinal microbiota of further relevant primary litter decomposers, such as earthworms, springtails, millipeds, and woodlice. Novel techniques for studying intestinal microbes complete the volume.
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التفاعلات: mann1
The Reef Aquarium: A Comprehensive Guide to the Identification and Care of Tropical Marine Invertebrates :Vols. 1-2


Book Description:
This second volume in the series features the anemones and soft corals associated with reefs, detailing their biology and husbandry requirements, and featuring numerous species descriptions, with the benefit of wonderful color photographs. Also featured is new information regarding parasites in reef aquariums, and captive culture of anemones and soft corals. The book finishes with another section featuring more stunning images of reef aquariums around the world.

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التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
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التفاعلات: mann1
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Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

Compiled and directed by
Armand R. Maggenti, Ph.D.

Edited by
Scott L. Gardner, Ph.D.

A dictionary of terms related to invertebrate biology arranged in alphabetical order.

An exhaustive dictionary of over 13,000 terms relating to invertebrate zoology, including etymologies, word derivations and taxonomic classification. Entries cover parasitology, nematology, marine invertebrates, insects, and anatomy, biology, and reproductive processes for the following phyla: Acanthocephala, Annelida, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Chaetognatha, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Echinodermata, Echiura, Entoprocta, Gastrotricha, Gnathostomulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Mesozoa, Mollusca, Nemata, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Onychophora, Pentastoma, Phoronida, Placozoa, Platyhelminthes, Pogonophora, Porifera, Priapula, Rotifera, Sipuncula, and Tardigrada.

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