by: Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos
Color Atlas of Physiology (Basic Sciences (Thieme))
By Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 2008-11-19
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3135450066
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783135450063
Product Description:
Now in its 6th edition, the "Color Atlas of Physiology" still convinces its readers. Whereas many large textbooks on physiology leave students floundering in a wealth of detail, this color atlas presents the subject in a concise, illustrative, and comprehensible way.It contains everything that medical students need to know to pass their pre-clinical physiology exams. For this edition, all of the 188 color plates and their accompanying texts have been revised and updated, taking into account the latest developments in research. All topics in the book are cross-referenced, presenting the subject as a series of interconnected processes. Blue highlights in and keywords below the texts display the most important clinical applications and pathophysiologic links.For 25 years, the authors and illustrators have improved and optimized this color atlas, making it the ideal study guide when reviewing the subject before an exam and a companion to look up the basics of physiology during clinical studies and practice.
Summary: Great Resource
Rating: 5
I wish I would have bought this book earlier in my medical school career. Not only would it have helped for all the physiology sequences (cardiac, renal, etc) but it would have been helpful for histology, neuro,and endocrinology. The pictures are great and the explanations are uncomplicated. If you are a visual learner then I highly recommend this book. I am an endocrinology TA and have found it as a wonderful resource. I have the color atlas of immunology and have ordered the pathophysiology and pharmacolgy books by thieme as well.
Summary: Excellent
Rating: 5
The same as I mentioned about the Color Atlas of Pharmacology, it's the best way to review Physiological functions in just one scheme for each topic. Totally recommended.
Summary: #1 Guide to Physiology
Rating: 5
A very complete guide to physiology which can be used by researchers, graduate students and MD students alike with incredible detail included that may be beyond what is needed even. That makes it a great reference.
Its unbelievable that its in pocket handbook format.
My top rated physiology books would be:
Color atlas (this guide)
Applied Surgical Physiology Vivas (+ Critical Care Edition) (Kanani)
Berne and Levy
In that order exactly.
Back to the book:
Invaluable and truly an amazing, complete and extremely detailed carry-around reference.
Summary: Can't live without it.
Rating: 5
This and it's companion book on Pathophysiology are the best investments I have made since entering medical school. The illustrations are great (and the diagrams set a standard that neither Guyton or Boron and Boulep can match) , but it's Silbernagl's presentation that makes them so amazing. I'm constantly finding new layers of information that I missed even after 4 or 5 passes. Buy Boron for this year's theories and break throughs, but this is the book you will be returning to.
Summary: state-of-the-art
Rating: 5
What makes this book a state-of-the-art is not its content, but the manner in which it's presented. Each subject only occupies one page of text, & opposite is a page for illustrations. But it's not the illustrations that explains the text, but rather the text that explains the illustrations (a method created by Leonardo da Vinci). This not only helps in recalling of the subject, but also helps in sustaining an interest in it. An ingenious beautiful book
من المرفقات حمل.

Color Atlas of Physiology (Basic Sciences (Thieme))
By Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 2008-11-19
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3135450066
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783135450063
Product Description:
Now in its 6th edition, the "Color Atlas of Physiology" still convinces its readers. Whereas many large textbooks on physiology leave students floundering in a wealth of detail, this color atlas presents the subject in a concise, illustrative, and comprehensible way.It contains everything that medical students need to know to pass their pre-clinical physiology exams. For this edition, all of the 188 color plates and their accompanying texts have been revised and updated, taking into account the latest developments in research. All topics in the book are cross-referenced, presenting the subject as a series of interconnected processes. Blue highlights in and keywords below the texts display the most important clinical applications and pathophysiologic links.For 25 years, the authors and illustrators have improved and optimized this color atlas, making it the ideal study guide when reviewing the subject before an exam and a companion to look up the basics of physiology during clinical studies and practice.
Summary: Great Resource
Rating: 5
I wish I would have bought this book earlier in my medical school career. Not only would it have helped for all the physiology sequences (cardiac, renal, etc) but it would have been helpful for histology, neuro,and endocrinology. The pictures are great and the explanations are uncomplicated. If you are a visual learner then I highly recommend this book. I am an endocrinology TA and have found it as a wonderful resource. I have the color atlas of immunology and have ordered the pathophysiology and pharmacolgy books by thieme as well.
Summary: Excellent
Rating: 5
The same as I mentioned about the Color Atlas of Pharmacology, it's the best way to review Physiological functions in just one scheme for each topic. Totally recommended.
Summary: #1 Guide to Physiology
Rating: 5
A very complete guide to physiology which can be used by researchers, graduate students and MD students alike with incredible detail included that may be beyond what is needed even. That makes it a great reference.
Its unbelievable that its in pocket handbook format.
My top rated physiology books would be:
Color atlas (this guide)
Applied Surgical Physiology Vivas (+ Critical Care Edition) (Kanani)
Berne and Levy
In that order exactly.
Back to the book:
Invaluable and truly an amazing, complete and extremely detailed carry-around reference.
Summary: Can't live without it.
Rating: 5
This and it's companion book on Pathophysiology are the best investments I have made since entering medical school. The illustrations are great (and the diagrams set a standard that neither Guyton or Boron and Boulep can match) , but it's Silbernagl's presentation that makes them so amazing. I'm constantly finding new layers of information that I missed even after 4 or 5 passes. Buy Boron for this year's theories and break throughs, but this is the book you will be returning to.
Summary: state-of-the-art
Rating: 5
What makes this book a state-of-the-art is not its content, but the manner in which it's presented. Each subject only occupies one page of text, & opposite is a page for illustrations. But it's not the illustrations that explains the text, but rather the text that explains the illustrations (a method created by Leonardo da Vinci). This not only helps in recalling of the subject, but also helps in sustaining an interest in it. An ingenious beautiful book
من المرفقات حمل.