Allergy (3)
By Stephen T. Holgate MD DSc FRCP FRCPE MRC, Martin K. Church MPHARM PhD DSc, Lawrence M. Lichtenstein MD PhD
Publisher: Mosby
Number Of Pages: 468
Publication Date: 2006-08-21
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0323032273
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780323032278
Product Description:
This comprehensive, clinically oriented full-color resource offers you a wealth of detailed information on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of allergic diseases—from asthma to urticaria. Thoroughly updated to reflect today's knowledge, this 3rd Edition features all of the latest developments in allergy and immunology. Plus, a consistent, logical organization puts vital information at your fingertips. * Features abundant algorithms that provide at-a-glance assistance in identifying the allergic conditions you encounter in practice. * Offers in-depth information in a chapter dedicated entirely to asthma. * Provides valuable treatment protocols that assist you in prescribing appropriate therapies and effectively managing patients' allergies. * Includes extensive references that point the way to the key works in the literature.
Summary: disappointing
Rating: 2
This book has excellent pictures and tables, however it lacks in depth and substance. For example, in the atopic dermatitis section, there is no discussion on differential diagnosis/other clinical conditions to consider. The drug allergy chapter has a nice chart for drug desensitization, but the chapter lacks a good discussion on any of the most important drugs...IE the PCN drug section is skimpy at best. And for some reason, they don't even have devoted chapter on food allergy. Overall, I am disappointed with this book. This book is best applicable to medical students and residents. In my opinion, it will not fit the need of Allergy/Asthma/Immunology fellows or practicing staff. I highly recommend "Pediatric Allergy" (also from Mosby) which is an excellent resource for Pediatric Allergy. Patterson's Allergic diseases is also good reference.
Summary: A must for all passionate about Asthma
Rating: 5
A simple clear and enjoyable read, with particuar emphasis on asthma. Stephen Holgate and Martin Church have produced a book which puts across simply all what is needed to be known by any student interested in Asthma
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