ارجوكم ساعدوني

lord of egypt

New Member
اريد هذه الكتب مجانا من النت او اماكن شراؤها في مصر

1):unified analysis and solution of heat and mass diffusion (1984) by mikhailov.md and ozisik.M.N
2):integral transforms in computational heat and fluid flow (1993) by cotta.r.m
3):heat conuction : lumped analysis, integral transforms , symbolic computation (1997) by cotta r.m and mikhailov
4):the integral transform method in thermal and fluids science and engineering (1998) by cott.r.m
5):integral transform method with mathematica by mikhailov M.d and cott.r.m
أصبر قليلا ان شاء الله ابحث عنهم