pg. 9A
THIS MONTH IN Anesthesiology.
[This Month In Anesthesiology]
pg. 223-226
Can Attenuation of the Perioperative Stress Response Prevent Intermediate or Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes among Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery?
Devereaux, P J. M.D., Ph.D.
[Editorial Views]
pg. 227-228
Closing the Doors of Perception.
Sleigh, Jamie M.D.
[Editorial Views]
pg. 229-230
Is Anesthesiology Going Soft?: Trends in Fragile Pharmacology.
Egan, Talmage D. M.D.
[Editorial Views]
pg. 231-239
Desflurane Selectively Suppresses Long-latency Cortical Neuronal Response to Flash in the Rat.
Hudetz, Anthony G. D.B.M., Ph.D. *; Vizuete, Jeannette A. B.S. +; Imas, Olga A. Ph.D. ++
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 240-249
Methoxycarbonyl-etomidate: A Novel Rapidly Metabolized and Ultra-short-acting Etomidate Analogue that Does Not Produce Prolonged Adrenocortical Suppression.
Cotten, Joseph F. M.D., Ph.D. *; Husain, S Shaukat D.Phil. +; Forman, Stuart A. M.D., Ph.D. ++; Miller, Keith W. D.Phil.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 250-257
Simultaneous Measurement of Cardiac Troponin I, B-type Natriuretic Peptide, and C-reactive Protein for the Prediction of Long-term Cardiac Outcome after Cardiac Surgery.
Fellahi, Jean-Luc M.D., Ph.D. *; Hanouz, Jean-Luc M.D., Ph.D. +; Le Manach, Yannick M.D. ++; Gue, Xavier Pharm.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 258-266
Expression of Signal Transduction Genes Differs after Hypoxic or Isoflurane Preconditioning of Rat Hippocampal Slice Cultures.
Bickler, Philip E. M.D., Ph.D. *; Fahlman, Christian S. Ph.D. +
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 267-274
Anesthetic-induced Preconditioning Delays Opening of Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore via Protein Kinase C-[varepsilon]-mediated Pathway.
Pravdic, Danijel M.D. *; Sedlic, Filip M.D. *; Mio, Yasushi M.D. +; Vladic, Nikolina M.D. *; Bienengraeber, Martin Ph.D. ++; Bosnjak, Zeljko J. Ph.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 275-278
Intensity of Extremely Low-frequency Electromagnetic Fields Produced in Operating Rooms during Surgery at the Standing Position of Anesthesiologists.
Roh, Jang Ho M.D., Ph.D. *; Kim, Deok Won Ph.D. +; Lee, Sung Jin M.D., Ph.D. *; Kim, Ji Young M.D. *; Na, Sung Won M.D., Ph.D. *; Choi, Seung Ho M.D., Ph.D. *; Kim, Ki Jun M.D., Ph.D. ++
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 278
Withering and the Foxglove.
Bause, George S. M.D., M.P.H., Honorary Curator
[Anesthesiology Reflections: PDF Only]
pg. 279-286
Beneficial Effect of Propofol on Arterial Adenosine Triphosphate-sensitive K+ Channel Function Impaired by Thromboxane.
Haba, Masanori M.D. *; Kinoshita, Hiroyuki M.D., Ph.D. +; Matsuda, Naoyuki M.D., Ph.D. ++; Azma, Toshiharu M.D., Ph.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 287-292
End-tidal Sevoflurane and Halothane Concentrations during Simulated Airway Occlusion in Healthy Humans.
Talbot, Nick P. B.M., B.Ch., D.Phil. *; Farmery, Andrew D. D.M., F.R.C.A. +; Dorrington, Keith L. D.M., F.R.C.A. ++
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 293-301
Analysis of Memory Formation during General Anesthesia (Propofol/Remifentanil) for Elective Surgery Using the Process-dissociation Procedure.
Hadzidiakos, Daniel A. M.D. *; Horn, Nadja +; Degener, Roland +; Buchner, Axel Ph.D. ++; Rehberg, Benno M.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 302-310
Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery and Learning Disabilities in a Population-based Birth Cohort.
Sprung, Juraj M.D., Ph.D. *; Flick, Randall P. M.D., M.P.H. +; Wilder, Robert T. M.D., Ph.D. ++; Katusic, Slavica K. M.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 311-319
Prognostic Value of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Noncardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis.
Ryding, Alisdair D. S. M.R.C.P., Ph.D. *; Kumar, Saurabh M.B.B.S. +; Worthington, Angela M. M.B.B.S. +; Burgess, David F.R.A.C.P., Ph.D. ++
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 320-326
Performance Improvement System and Postoperative Corneal Injuries: Incidence and Risk Factors.
Martin, David P. M.D., Ph.D. *; Weingarten, Toby N. M.D. +; Gunn, Paul W. M.D. ++; Lee, KunMoo M.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 327-333
Moderate Exposure to Allogeneic Blood Products Is Not Associated with Reduced Long-term Survival after Surgery for Coronary Artery Disease.
Weightman, William M. F.A.N.Z.C.A. *; Gibbs, Neville M. M.D. +; Sheminant, Matthew R. R.N. ++; Newman, Mark A. J. M.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 334-339
Supraclavicular Approach Is an Easy and Safe Method of Subclavian Vein Catheterization Even in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: Analysis of 370 Attempts.
Czarnik, Tomasz M.D. *; Gawda, Ryszard M.D. +; Perkowski, Tadeusz M.D. ++; Weron, Rafal Ph.D.
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 340-355
General Anesthesia Increases Temporal Precision and Decreases Power of the Brainstem Auditory-evoked Response-related Segments of the Electroencephalogram.
Scheller, Bertram C. A. M.D., M.Sc. *; Daunderer, Michael M.D. +; Pipa, Gordon Ph.D. ++
[Perioperative Medicine]
pg. 356-365
Influence of Vancomycin on Renal Function in Critically Ill Patients after Cardiac Surgery: Continuous versus Intermittent Infusion.
Hutschala, Doris M.D. *; Kinstner, Christian M.D. *; Skhirdladze, Keso M.D. *; Thalhammer, Florian M.D. +; Muller, Markus M.D. ++; Tschernko, Edda M.D.
[Critical Care Medicine]
pg. 366-371
Oxygen Tissue Saturation Is Lower in Nonsurvivors than in Survivors after Early Resuscitation of Septic Shock.
Leone, Marc M.D., Ph.D. *; Blidi, Sami M.D. +; Antonini, Francois M.D. *; Meyssignac, Bertrand M.D. +; Bordon, Sebastien M.D. +; Garcin, Frederic M.D. ++; Charvet, Aude M.D. ++; Blasco, Valery M.D. *; Albanese, Jacques M.D., Ph.D.
[Critical Care Medicine]
pg. 371
The Infant Lungmotor.
Bause, George S. M.D., M.P.H., Honorary Curator
[Anesthesiology Reflections: PDF Only]
pg. 372-380
Lumbar Sympathetic Blockade in Children with Complex Regional Pain Syndromes: A Double Blind Placebo-controlled Crossover Trial.
Meier, Petra M. M.D. *; Zurakowski, David Ph.D. +; Berde, Charles B. M.D., Ph.D. ++; Sethna, Navil F. M.B., Ch.B.
[Pain Medicine]
pg. 381-392
Axotomy Depletes Intracellular Calcium Stores in Primary Sensory Neurons.
Rigaud, Marcel M.D. *; Gemes, Geza M.D. *; Weyker, Paul D. B.S. +; Cruikshank, James M. B.S. ++; Kawano, Takashi M.D.
[Pain Medicine]
pg. 393-405
Depletion of Calcium Stores in Injured Sensory Neurons: Anatomic and Functional Correlates.
Gemes, Geza M.D. *; Rigaud, Marcel M.D. *; Weyker, Paul D. B.S. +; Abram, Stephen E. M.D. ++; Weihrauch, Dorothee DVM, Ph.D.
[Pain Medicine]
pg. 405
St. Jacob's Oil.
Bause, George S. M.D., M.P.H., Honorary Curator
[Anesthesiology Reflections: PDF Only]
pg. 406-415
Clonidine as an Adjuvant to Local Anesthetics for Peripheral Nerve and Plexus Blocks: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials.
Popping, Daniel M. M.D. *; Elia, Nadia M.D., M.Sc. +; Marret, Emmanuel M.D. ++; Wenk, Manuel M.D. *; Tramer, Martin R. M.D., D.Phil.
[Review Articles]
pg. 416-431
Intravenous Infusion Tests Have Limited Utility for Selecting Long-term Drug Therapy in Patients with Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review.
Cohen, Steven P. M.D. *; Kapoor, Shruti G. M.D., M.P.H. +; Rathmell, James P. M.D. ++
[Review Articles]
pg. 432-440
Anesthesia for Noncardiac Surgery in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease.
Cannesson, Maxime M.D. *; Earing, Michael G. M.D. +; Collange, Vincent M.D. *; Kersten, Judy R. M.D., F.A.C.C. ++
[Clinical Concepts and Commentary]
pg. 441-442
Physical Examination Trumps Mediastinoscopy in Diagnosing Maffucci Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Mediastinal Mass.
Weinberg, Guy L. M.D. *; Hiller, David B. M.D. +; Zheng, Sophy B.S. ++; Sturgeon, Cord M.D.
[Case Reports]
pg. 443
Three Editorials-Three Historical Allusions.
Roy, Raymond C. M.D., Ph.D.
pg. 443
Three Editorials-Three Historical Allusions.
Orser, Beverley A. M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.C.
pg. 443-444
Three Editorials-Three Historical Allusions.
Davidson, Andrew M.B.B.S., M.D., F.A.N.Z.C.A.
pg. 444
The Aged Erythrocyte: Key Player in Cancer Progression, but Also in Infectious and Respiratory Complications of Blood Transfusion?
Vlaar, Alexander P.J. M.D. *; de Korte, Dirk Ph.D.; Juffermans, Nicole P. M.D., Ph.D.
pg. 444-445
Patient Blood Management and Transfusion.
de Saint Maurice, Guillaume M.D. *; Pequignot, Francoise M.D.; Auroy, Yves M.D., Ph.D.; Aouba, Albertine M.D.; Benhamou, Dan M.D.; Jougla, Eric Ph.D.; Lienhart, Andre M.D.
pg. 445-446
Patient Blood Management and Transfusion.
Spahn, Donat R. M.D., F.R.C.A. *; Moch, Holger M.D.; Hofmann, Axel M.E.; Isbister, James P. M.B., F.R.A.C.P.
pg. 446
Success Rate of Orotracheal Intubation via GlideScope(R) versus Direct Laryngoscopy in Manikin-Only-Trained Medical Personnel.
Dupanovic, Mirsad M.D.
pg. 447
Success Rate of Orotracheal Intubation via GlideScope(R) versus Direct Laryngoscopy in Manikin-Only-Trained Medical Personnel.
Nouruzi-Sedeh, Parichehr; Schumann, Mark; Groeben, Harald M.D. *
pg. 447-448
Propofol and Cardioprotection against Arrhythmias.
Siracusano, Luca M.D. *; Girasole, Viviana M.D.
pg. 448
Propofol and Cardioprotection against Arrhythmias.
Hirata, Naoyuki M.D. *; Kanaya, Noriaki M.D., M.B.A., Ph.D.
pg. 449
Limitations Associated with the Analysis of Data from Administrative Databases.
Memtsoudis, Stavros G. M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P.
pg. 450
Administrative Databases: Are They Useful for Clinical Analyses?
Larach, Marilyn Green M.D., F.A.A.P. *; Brandom, Barbara W. M.D.; Allen, Gregory C. M.D., F.R.C.P.C.; Gronert, Gerald A. M.D.; Lehman, Erik B. M.S.
pg. 450-451
Administrative Databases: Are They Useful for Clinical Analyses?
Rosero, Eric B. M.D. *; Adesanya, Adebola O. M.D.; Timaran, Carlos H. M.D.; Joshi, Girish P. M.B.B.S., M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S.I.
pg. 451-452
Detecting the Etiologies of Acute Airway Obstruction Associated with the Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme(TM).
Osborn, Irene P. M.D. *; Behringer, Elizabeth C. M.D.; Cooper, Richard M. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.C.; Verghese, Chandy M.B.B.S., F.R.C.A.
pg. 452-453
Detecting the Etiologies of Acute Airway Obstruction Associated with the Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme(TM).
Theiler, Lorenz G. M.D. *; Kleine-Brueggeney, Maren M.D.; Greif, Robert M.D., M.M.E.
pg. 453
Hypothermia Should Also Have Been Considered to Be a Predictor of Adverse Perioperative Cardiac Events.
Roth, Jonathan V. M.D.
pg. 453-454
Hypothermia Should Also Have Been Considered to Be a Predictor of Adverse Perioperative Cardiac Events.
Kheterpal, Sachin M.D., M.B.A. *; Tremper, Kevin K. Ph.D., M.D.
pg. 454-455
Retropharyngeal Carotid Artery: An Important Anatomic Variation for the Anesthesiologist.
Marcucci, Catherine M.D. *; Thomas, Pamela C.R.N.P.; Sewell, Duane A. M.D.
pg. 456
Pain Management: Expanding the Pharmacological Options.
Zuniga, Robert M.D.
[Reviews of Educational Material]
pg. 456
Before the Scalpel: What Everyone Should Know about Anesthesia.
Filatoff, Gregory M.D.
[Reviews of Educational Material]
pg. 456-457
Complications of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.
Weis, Ty M.D.; Herlich, Andrew D.M.D., M.D., F.A.A.P. *
[Reviews of Educational Material]
pg. 457-458
A Practical Approach to Pediatric Anesthesia.
Nafiu, Olubukola O. M.D., F.R.C.A.
[Reviews of Educational Material]
pg. 458
International Anesthesiology Clinics: Education in Anesthesia.
Kukafka, Jeremy D. M.D.
[Reviews of Educational Material]
pg. 459
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