كتاب Standard Handbook of Machine Design Shigley

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته


Book Description:

The latest ideas in machine analysis and design have led to a major revision of the field's leading handbook. New chapters cover ergonomics, safety, and computer-aided design, with revised information on numerical methods, belt devices, statistics, standards, and codes and regulations.
Key features include:
*new material on ergonomics, safety, and computer-aided design;
*practical reference data that helps machines designers solve common problems--with a minimum of theory.
*current CAS/CAM applications, other machine computational aids, and robotic applications in machine design.
This definitive machine design handbook for product designers, project engineers, design engineers, and manufacturing engineers covers every aspect of machine construction and operations. Voluminous and heavily illustrated, it discusses standards, codes and regulations; wear; solid materials, seals; flywheels; power screws; threaded fasteners; springs; lubrication; gaskets; coupling; belt drive; gears; shafting; vibration and control; linkage; and corrosion.

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Number Of Pages: 1700
Publication Date: 1996-06-01
Sales Rank: 1136394
ISBN / ASIN: 0070569584
EAN: 9780070569584
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: McGraw-Hill Professional
Studio: McGraw-Hill Professional
Average Rating: 4
Total Reviews: 3

رابط التحميل
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مفيش تنزيل ليه
ولا عايز شكر على الفاضى
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فيه ايه يا رجاله
مفيش تنزيل ليه
ولا عايز شكر على الفاضى

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