مشرف منتدى الأحياء
السلام عليكم إخوتي الكرام
هدية للإخوة تعينهم على الكشف المبكر عن التشوهات الخلقية

Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies: Principles and Techniques 2 CD

Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies: Principles and Techniques 2 CD
file NRG

This comes on two CDs and installs quickly and easily. The only gripe with installation is that it is not customisable ie. it automatically installs on the c drive to the default directory. It contains 120 ultrasound videos and 600 images. All are of the highest quality and the videos run smoothly, even on an old P120 with 16MB RAM. The first CD contains the systems tutorials. Finding specific topics is simple, either by starting with the relevant chapter or by using the comprehensive search facility. It gives an excellent overview of the incidence of major abnormalities and the incidence of their detection. Equally as important, it lists those abnormalities that cannot be detected. It also lists the guidelines for antepartum obstetric ultrasound examinations for all three trimesters of pregnancy and for the equipment and documentation that should be used for these examinations.

Whilst these are obviously for the American medical profession, they are not too dissimilar from the UK guidelines and are thus still relevant. Useful tools are the transcript feature that allows you to print the text of the narration and the marker feature that allows you to mark images and text. Mini courses can be tailor-made with the carousel player allowing the individual to group together specific topics. These can be saved and used at a later date. The second CD contains case studies and an anomaly recognition quiz. There are 150 anomalies in the quiz and these can be worked through in random or selected by topic after studying specific systems.

This is not intended to be an encyclopedia of knowledge about all known fetal abnormalities but a database of pictures and videos enabling the user to identify the normal and the abnormal fetal structures. It does this well with clear diagrams to instruct in the correct way to visualise each structure. Whilst this is no substitute for practice scanning, I particularly liked the practice sessions where the interactive teaching is used to its full potential with the user measuring various fetal parameters. It is a highly polished programme, designed to make full use of the modern teaching media available. The quality of the diagram, pictures and videos are first rate. I am sure that it fulfills its aims of "making learning without a patient possible, so that learning with a patient is accelerated".

هدية للإخوة تعينهم على الكشف المبكر عن التشوهات الخلقية

Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies: Principles and Techniques 2 CD

Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies: Principles and Techniques 2 CD
file NRG

This comes on two CDs and installs quickly and easily. The only gripe with installation is that it is not customisable ie. it automatically installs on the c drive to the default directory. It contains 120 ultrasound videos and 600 images. All are of the highest quality and the videos run smoothly, even on an old P120 with 16MB RAM. The first CD contains the systems tutorials. Finding specific topics is simple, either by starting with the relevant chapter or by using the comprehensive search facility. It gives an excellent overview of the incidence of major abnormalities and the incidence of their detection. Equally as important, it lists those abnormalities that cannot be detected. It also lists the guidelines for antepartum obstetric ultrasound examinations for all three trimesters of pregnancy and for the equipment and documentation that should be used for these examinations.

Whilst these are obviously for the American medical profession, they are not too dissimilar from the UK guidelines and are thus still relevant. Useful tools are the transcript feature that allows you to print the text of the narration and the marker feature that allows you to mark images and text. Mini courses can be tailor-made with the carousel player allowing the individual to group together specific topics. These can be saved and used at a later date. The second CD contains case studies and an anomaly recognition quiz. There are 150 anomalies in the quiz and these can be worked through in random or selected by topic after studying specific systems.

This is not intended to be an encyclopedia of knowledge about all known fetal abnormalities but a database of pictures and videos enabling the user to identify the normal and the abnormal fetal structures. It does this well with clear diagrams to instruct in the correct way to visualise each structure. Whilst this is no substitute for practice scanning, I particularly liked the practice sessions where the interactive teaching is used to its full potential with the user measuring various fetal parameters. It is a highly polished programme, designed to make full use of the modern teaching media available. The quality of the diagram, pictures and videos are first rate. I am sure that it fulfills its aims of "making learning without a patient possible, so that learning with a patient is accelerated".