الجبر Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and Uses


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Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and Uses

Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and Uses
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | ISBN: 0470259523 | edition 2008 | PDF | 224 pages | 10,6 mb

This book provides a complete and contemporary perspective on classical polynomial algebra through the exploration of how it was developed and how it exists today. With a focus on prominent areas such as the numerical solutions of equations, the systematic study of equations, and Galois theory, the book facilitates a thorough understanding of algebra and illustrates how the concepts of modern algebra originally developed from classical algebraic precursors. It is complemented with historical remarks and analyses of polynomial equations throughout.

كتاب رائع جدا هل لديك ما يشبه مواضعه فهي يشبه موضوع اطروحتي

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