الكتاب الرياضي The A to Z of mathematics A basic Guide

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الكتاب الرياضي The A to Z of mathematics A basic Guide


The A to Z of mathematics A basic Guide
by Thomas H. Sidebotham
Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition (July 15, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN: 0471150452
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.3 x 0.9 inches

pdf format, 1,5 MB

Thomas Sidebotham's book is a valuable contribution to successful mathematical understanding and will appeal to a wide audience. It is perfect for any student requiring a firm grounding in mathematics; parents struggling to support a son or daughter; teachers who want to give their students clear definitions and simple, well structured examples or for those of us who are faced with mathematical tasks when our knowledge has become rather rusty.
The author's easy to follow format provides straightforward definitions combined with simple explanations of mathematical concepts and processes. The examples clearly demonstrate the steps for successful learning and ensure it is a memorable, enjoyable and sometimes an amusing experience.

This book is the perfect companion for anyone studying mathematics and will be a treasured resource at home or in school.

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