Pumping Station Design

Garr M. Jones PE DEE, "Pumping Station Design"
Butterworth-Heinemann 2006 | ISBN-10: 0750675446 | 1054 Pages | PDF | 62,8 MB
Reviews of the Second Edition:
"This comprehensive, information-rich book for pumping station design consists of twenty-nine chapters and nine appendices ... The preface vividly expresses the editor-in-chief's passion and devotion to the goal of preparing an immensely informative book on pumping station design. I believe that the editor-in-chief and his colleagues have achieved that goal admirably ... This book will be very useful to engineers and planners, consulting and manufacturing firms, and government and municipal agencies. Additionally, it will be used by educators teaching diverse aspects of environmental and water-resources engineering ... The reviewer salutes the editor-in-chief, the co-editors, and the many contributors for their effort in preparing a book that contains a great wealth of knowledge of direct importance for pumping station design." - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, August 2000
"A unique and comprehensive text that should find a place on the bookshelf of all concerned with pumping facilities.a truly excellent publication."
- World Pumps
"Practitioners in any discipline related to pumping station design should henceforth be compelled to read this book."
- The Institute of Water and Environmental Management Journal
This book has nearly 200 authors and contributors. Despite the vast array of experts who contributed to this work, it reads seamlessly. The chapters are fairly well balanced with respect to subject relevance and importance, and the writing style is consistent throughout the entire text.-Joseph M. Giavito, Water Environment & Technology, March 2007