مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Repetitive Strain Injuries
By Timothy J Jameson
Product Description:
Carpal tunnel syndrome - computer wrist - is only the best known of 15 different types of repetitive strain injury, resulting from the constant performance of the same motion. Hundreds of thousands of workers suffer from the complaint. Computer programmers, factory workers and musicians are some of those who suffer work-related injuries to the neck, shoulders, forearm, wrist, hand, finger and thumbs. Dr. Jameson, a chiropractor specializing in RSI, offers first aid strategies, tells how to determine when professional help is needed, and provides alternative approaches to halt or reverse RSI.

Product Description:
Carpal tunnel syndrome - computer wrist - is only the best known of 15 different types of repetitive strain injury, resulting from the constant performance of the same motion. Hundreds of thousands of workers suffer from the complaint. Computer programmers, factory workers and musicians are some of those who suffer work-related injuries to the neck, shoulders, forearm, wrist, hand, finger and thumbs. Dr. Jameson, a chiropractor specializing in RSI, offers first aid strategies, tells how to determine when professional help is needed, and provides alternative approaches to halt or reverse RSI.