Invitation to Organic Chemistry


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Invitation to Organic Chemistry
A. William Johnson

Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Number Of Pages: 700
Publication Date: 1998-10
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0763704326
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780763704322

Book Description
Essentials of Organic Chemistry is a new textbook written for one-semester and one- or two-quarter organic chemistry courses for non-majors. Its goal is to facilitate the learning of organic chemistry for students who need an overview of the subject in order to support study in their chosen career field (such as nutrition, nursing, biology, psychology, etc.). The approach taken in this text is to limit the content and present only that material which is essential for understanding the elementary workings of organic chemistry. As part of the overall teaching and learning program, Essentials of Organic Chemistry makes full use of today's teaching and learning technology. A text-specific web site, called Organic On-line, contains a variety of student resources that have been designed to provide them with the opportunity to become active participants in the learning process, capturing their interest as they learn. In addition, a unique instructor resource, called the Instructor's Tool Kit CD-ROM, features several different tools designed to make your lectures the very best they can be.

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