Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry - 2 Volume Set


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Crystallizing a rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field, not to mention one of the most popular and newsworthy areas in contemporary chemistry, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry offers authoritative, centralized information on the topic. User-friendly and high-quality articles parse the latest supramolecular advancements and methods in the areas of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, environmental and materials science and engineering, physics, computer science, and applied mathematics. Designed for specialists and students alike, the Encyclopedia covers the fundamentals of supramolecular chemistry and sets the standard for relevant future research.
From the time that chemists could characterize and manipulate molecular architecture, methods have been sought to enhance and modify molecular properties with an eye toward, among other attributes, intra- and intermolecular interactions based on covalent and noncovalent means. Evolution of the study of these properties and interactions has led to the supramolecular regime, whereby noncovalent molecular interplay produces effects and properties not ordinarily exhibited by the individual components.
This supramolecular tenant, defined by J.M. Lehn, is classically exhibited by the action of a micelle, whereby surfactant molecules aggregate into a globular motif that is capable of enhancing molecular guests' solubilities or acting as nanoscale reactors and transport vehicles, to mention but a few utilities. The micelle architecture, as well as the lipophilic-hydrophilic character, leads logically to the consideration of dendrimers as supramolecular components; this potential is herein chronicled.
Dendrimers are first examined with respect to their ability to solubilize molecular guests in environments that, without added dendrimer, would exhibit unfavorable solubility properties, such as dissolution of water-insoluble molecules. Numerous dendritic architectures are highlighted with respect to this phenomenon.
The potential of dendrimers to encapsulate molecular species is further examined from the perspective of catalysis and the ability to improve reaction rates and yields. As well, their use as components facilitating chromatographic separations is discussed. Finally, the use of dendrimers to effect noncovalent molecular ordering is examined.
Alkali Metal Cations in Biochemistry. Alkalides and Electrides. The Allosteric Effect. Amide and Urea Based Anion Receptors. Amino Acids: Applications. Anion-Directed Assembly. Annulenes. Anticrowns. Artificial Enzymes. Aurophilic Interactions. Biological Ligands. Biological Models and Their Characteristics. Biomaterials. Biosensors. Bond-Stretch Isomerism. Brillouin Scattering. Calixarenes: Synthesis and Historical Perspectives. Calixarenes and Their Analogues: Cation Complexation, Molecular Complexation. The Cambridge Structural Database. Carbohydrates, Recognition of Carbonic Anhydrase Models. Carboxypeptidase A. Carcerands and Hemicarcerands. Catalytic Antibodies. Catenanes and Other Interlinked Structures. Cation-p Interactions. Cavitands. Channel Inclusion Compounds. Chemical Topology. Chiral Guest Recognition. Chiral Induction. Classical Descriptions of Inclusion Compounds. Classification and Nomenclature of Supramolecular Compounds. Clathrate Hydrates. Clathrate Hydrates: Occurrence, Uses, and Problems. Collagens. Complexation of Fullerenes. Concave Reagents. Concepts in Crystal Engineering. Crown Ethers. Cryptands. Cryptophanes. Crystal Deconstruction. Crystal Engineering with Hydrogen Bonds. Crystal Growth Mechanisms. Crystal Structure Prediction. Crystalline Microporous Silicas. Cucurbituril: Its Homologues and Derivatives. Cyclodextrins. Cyclodextrins: Applications. Cyclophanes: Definition and Scope. Cyclophanes: Endoacidic, Endobasic, and Endolipophilic Cavities. Dendrimers. Deoxycholic, Cholic, and Apocholic Acids. The Diphenylmethane Moiety. Disorder and Diffuse Scattering. DNA as a Supramolecular Scaffold. DNA Nanotechnology. Drug Delivery. Drug Design. Dye Inclusion Crystals. Electrochemical Sensors.
By J. L. Atwood
, Jonathan W. Steed
Contributor J L Atwood
Published 2004
CRC Press
Supramolecular chemistry
/ Encyclopedias
1744 pages
ISBN 0824747232

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