كيمياء فيزيائية hamdona's fraud


New Member
A colleague of mine, Dr. James Bill , from Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, also found something bizarre while he was reading some papers related to his topics " Influence of polyphosphonates on the precipitation of strontium sulfate (Celestite) from aqueous solutions and detected a paper entitled " Influence of polyphosphonates on the precipitation of strontium sulfate (Celestite) from aqueous solutions " that published in Journal of Taibah Univesristy of Science ,2: 43 – 56 (2008) and authored by Samia K. Hamdona and Salem Hamza. the first author was affiliated to Department of chemistry, National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt and the second was working in Department of chemistry, Faculty of Science, Menoufia Universty, Shebin El- Kom, Egypt. Consequently, on searching of this polarized paper through Internet websites and other related published papers, Bill discovered that the second author was affiliated to National Institute of Oceanography and fisheries and now he/ she resident in Saudi Arabia working in the Girl's College of Education, Medina, Saudi Arabia. My colleague found some lifted paragraphs from other published literatures and references especially of J. Boisvert, M. Domenech, A. Foissy, J.Persello, J. Mutib, J. Crystal Growth 220 (2000) 579.and Y. Yeboah, M. Saeed, A. Lee, J. Crystal Growth, 135 (1994) 323. and others using the strategy of copy and paste paragraphs. Besides they presented a fabricated and falsified data appended with some figures were stolen also from other references with slight modifications especially figure 3 (Precipitation of strontium sulfate in the presence of additives) . In addition, the method that used in the plagiarized paper were identically operated by other published authors such as Barone et al., (1983) The problematic issue rose again with older papers on that trend by the same authors. Our preliminary report was first posted to the Editor in chief of the Journal of Physical chemistry as well as editors of Science Direct Management. A report is currently available from a dedicated page in the main International journal of Applied Chemistry website. I knew only one paper by these authors ... and I found a similar: you'll find all the evidences in my report, same website,following Bill's one. I have found in the literature 4 references on the corrosion by these two coupled authors. So, I call and invite people studying this type of trend to review accurately these 4 papers. Could you give us your reasons for this threaten and your claims before publishing this report.I also call the scientific community working in this fine specialization to stop these fraudulent practice and disturbing the previously published data presented by other Scientists.As if scientific progress were not slow enough, these potholes create further obstacles for scientists and researchers to overcome (i.e. redundancy, inaccurate data, obfuscation). And the publication of falsified reports risks cluttering the scientific literature with the aimless babbling of fools just wanting to see their names in print on as many publications as possible. What a waste of paper and server space! What an insult to the honorable labor of the men and women who have laid the foundations of modern scientific inquiry! Such plagiarists and data fabricators deserve every bit of the censure and publicized ignominy which results from their dishonorable behavior.
