Future Energy: Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for our Planet


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Future Energy: Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for our Planet
Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0080548083
edition 2008
PDF | 375 pages | 12 mb

Increasing global energy demand requires fact-based evaluations of alternative energy sources. This includes solving questions like how energy is produced, provided, and transported in sustainable ways. Solving future energy demands requires new technologies and knowledge. Decision makers, professionals, and people interested in energy issues in general need to know the relative importance and magnitude of various energy production methods. This book contains contributions by expert scientists and engineers on all of the sources of energy available to us now and in the near future that will enable us to take the energy decisions needed for sustaining development and dealing with climate change.



لاحظ ان المشاريع في الغرب تركز على طاقة الرياح, فمثلا , صرفت بريطانيا ما يقارب 2 مليار يورو على مشروع حقول الرياح في البحر قبالة لندن لوجود تيارات هوائية قوية في تلك المنطقة .... بينما مستقبلنا نحن مع الشمس
جزاكم الله خيراً أخى الفاضل
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