Concrete Materials, Second Edition: Properties, Specifications, and Testing


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Concrete Materials, Second Edition: Properties, Specifications, and Testing

This book presents an in-depth approach to concrete ingredients and their relationships to concrete by discussing their properties, pertinent test methods, specifications, proper use and selection, and solutions to problems in practice.

Product Description
This book presents an in-depth approach to concrete ingredients and their relationships to concrete by discussing their properties, pertinent test methods, specifications, proper use and selection, and solutions to problems in practice. The approach is practice oriented, and the book assists in the improved application of concrete through a thorough understanding of its ingredients. This is aided by the discussion of certain fundamental aspects and relationships in quantitative forms, and by also presenting the interpretation of research and experience. An extensive bibliography is included. The book is a current, organized summary of knowledge concerning concrete-making materials, which will enable the engineer/user to make the best possible product using these materials.


Concrete Materials, Second Edition: Properties, Specifications, and Testing

This book presents an in-depth approach to concrete ingredients and their relationships to concrete by discussing their properties, pertinent test methods, specifications, proper use and selection, and solutions to problems in practice.

Product Description
This book presents an in-depth approach to concrete ingredients and their relationships to concrete by discussing their properties, pertinent test methods, specifications, proper use and selection, and solutions to problems in practice. The approach is practice oriented, and the book assists in the improved application of concrete through a thorough understanding of its ingredients. This is aided by the discussion of certain fundamental aspects and relationships in quantitative forms, and by also presenting the interpretation of research and experience. An extensive bibliography is included. The book is a current, organized summary of knowledge concerning concrete-making materials, which will enable the engineer/user to make the best possible product using these materials.


oncrete المواد ، الطبعة الثانية : الخصائص ، والمواصفات ، واختبار

ويعرض هذا الكتاب في العمق لعناصر محددة وملموسة لعلاقاتها بمناقشة ممتلكاتهم ، وطرق الاختبار ذات الصلة ، والمواصفات ، والاستخدام السليم والاختيار ، وحلول للمشاكل من الناحية العملية.

وصف المنتج
ويعرض هذا الكتاب في العمق لعناصر محددة وملموسة لعلاقاتها بمناقشة ممتلكاتهم ، وطرق الاختبار ذات الصلة ، والمواصفات ، والاستخدام السليم والاختيار ، وحلول للمشاكل من الناحية العملية. النهج الموجهة نحو الممارسة ، وهذا الكتاب يساعد في تحسين تطبيق ملموس من خلال فهم دقيق لمكوناته. وهذا يساعد على مناقشة بعض الجوانب الأساسية في العلاقات الكمية وأشكال ، وأيضا تقديم تفسير البحوث والخبرات. ببليوغرافية مدرج. الكتاب الحالي ، وملخص لتنظيم المعرفة بشأن مواد لصنع ملموسة ، والتي سوف تمكن المهندس / المستخدم لتقديم أفضل المنتجات التي تستخدم هذه الموادالترجمه من قوقل