Diesel Engine Assembly (Animated Video)o


اللؤلؤ المنثور
Diesel Engine Assembly (Animated Video)


MACK, "Diesel Engine Assembly (Animated Video)"
avi | 6mb | 4 mins | RS.COM

This Animation can be very helpful to Students, Engineers and Automobile Enthusist.

DIESEL ENGINES are mechanical devices that use controlled explosions (combustions) of diesel and air to rotate wheels. The reciprocating (back and forth) engine explodes the mixture (of diesel fuel + air) in a cylinder that forces the contained piston to move. This movement of the piston is transmitted (via the connecting rod) to a rotating device (crankshaft shown as a simple red disc) which is ultimately connected to the wheels (via gears, usually). The diesel engine is similar to the 4-stroke petrol engine but it uses the heat generated by the compression of air to ignite the explosion. To do this it compresses the air more than a petrol engine. The diesel engine therefore does not require a sparking plug. The diesel fuel (which is heavier and contains longer chain hydrocarbons) is injected directly into the cylinder when the air has been greatly heated by the compression stroke.


