السلام عليكم
Clinical image CD from Harvard intensive medical review

Clinical image CD from Harvard intensive medical review
Harvard School of Medicine | EXE | 180 MB | 5% recovery
Very usefull CD for medical students and any one preparing for internal medicne exams.
It provides clinical images with different varieties in all branches of internal medicine, e.g., ECG’s, blood films, x-ray’s, neuroimaging, urinary microscopies, and pathologic microscopies.
The slideshows are accompanied by descreptive voice comments and explanations with board exam tips.
Intel Pentium(r) Processor or compatible
Windows-compatible sound card
Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 or later
4x CD drive or faster

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Clinical image CD from Harvard intensive medical review

Clinical image CD from Harvard intensive medical review
Harvard School of Medicine | EXE | 180 MB | 5% recovery
Very usefull CD for medical students and any one preparing for internal medicne exams.
It provides clinical images with different varieties in all branches of internal medicine, e.g., ECG’s, blood films, x-ray’s, neuroimaging, urinary microscopies, and pathologic microscopies.
The slideshows are accompanied by descreptive voice comments and explanations with board exam tips.
Intel Pentium(r) Processor or compatible
Windows-compatible sound card
Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 or later
4x CD drive or faster

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