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by R.K. Weber (Editor), R. Keerl (Editor), S.S. Schaefer (Editor), R.C. Della Rocca (Editor)
To dry people’s eyes – that’s one of the great challenges in lacrimal surgery. Different localizations of the stenosis, lesions after tumor surgery or trauma, and epiphora in children or adults are different conditions that need various operative procedures to treat a patient individually and successfully.The close relationship between the eyes and nose demands an interdisciplinary approach to lacrimal surgery. Therefore, ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists as well as plastic surgeons are invited to contribute in solving a patient’s problem.This book is intended to serve as a practically oriented reference. In the first part, it contains chapters on pertinent surgical anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology as well as basic clinical and radiological evaluation. In the second part, well-known authorities from all over the world present their experience in all operative procedures currently available to dry patients’ eyes. The accompanying DVD contains video clips of different operations highlighting key portions of these procedures.