مشرف قسم العلاج الطبيعي
Journal of Hand Therapy (Volume 18, Issue 1, January-March 2005)
by: Paul LaStayo
The Journal of Hand Therapy is designed for hand therapists, occupational and physical therapists, and other hand specialists involved in the rehabilitation of disabling hand problems. The Journal functions as a source of education and information by publishing scientific and clinical articles. Regular features include original reports, clinical reviews, case studies, editorials, and book reviews. The Journal of Hand Therapy is the official journal of the American Society for Hand Therapists.
JHT - Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 1-70 (January-March 2005)
Table of Contents:
1) Read for Credit
2) The Relationship between Adherence to Hand Therapy and Short-term Outcome after Distal Radius Fracture
3) JHT Read for Credit
4) Analysis of the Statistical Methods Used to Detect Submaximal Effort with the Five-rung Grip Strength Test
5) Effects of Hand Shape on Maximal Isometric Grip Strength and its Reliability in Teenagers
6) A Visual Analogue Scale for Assessment of the Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Hand: Validity and Repeatability
7) The Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH Questionnaire in Canadian French
8) The Impact of Hand Dominance and Ulnar and Median Nerve Impairment on Strength and Basic Daily Activities
9) The International CHT Credential
10) Book Reviews
11) Abstracts from the Literature
12) 2004 Nathalie Barr Lecture
13) A Tribute to Dorothy B. Kaufmann
14) 2004 Hand Therapy Certification Examination
15) BJHT TOC, Autumn 2004
16) Instructions for Authors
by: Paul LaStayo

The Journal of Hand Therapy is designed for hand therapists, occupational and physical therapists, and other hand specialists involved in the rehabilitation of disabling hand problems. The Journal functions as a source of education and information by publishing scientific and clinical articles. Regular features include original reports, clinical reviews, case studies, editorials, and book reviews. The Journal of Hand Therapy is the official journal of the American Society for Hand Therapists.
JHT - Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 1-70 (January-March 2005)
Table of Contents:
1) Read for Credit
2) The Relationship between Adherence to Hand Therapy and Short-term Outcome after Distal Radius Fracture
3) JHT Read for Credit
4) Analysis of the Statistical Methods Used to Detect Submaximal Effort with the Five-rung Grip Strength Test
5) Effects of Hand Shape on Maximal Isometric Grip Strength and its Reliability in Teenagers
6) A Visual Analogue Scale for Assessment of the Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Hand: Validity and Repeatability
7) The Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the DASH Questionnaire in Canadian French
8) The Impact of Hand Dominance and Ulnar and Median Nerve Impairment on Strength and Basic Daily Activities
9) The International CHT Credential
10) Book Reviews
11) Abstracts from the Literature
12) 2004 Nathalie Barr Lecture
13) A Tribute to Dorothy B. Kaufmann
14) 2004 Hand Therapy Certification Examination
15) BJHT TOC, Autumn 2004
16) Instructions for Authors