Interim report of the Committee on Cesium Processing Alternatives for High-Level Wast


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
Interim report of the Committee on Cesium Processing
Alternatives for High-Level Waste at the Savannah
River Site
Milton Levenson et al

Board on Radioactive Waste Management

The National Research Council empaneled a committee at your request to provide an independent
technical review of alternatives for processing the high-level radioactive waste salt solutions at the Savannah
River Site. You requested that the Research Council provide you with an interim report that identifies
significant issues or problems with the processing alternatives before the Department issues a draft
environmental impact statement (EIS), which is planned for release in October 1999. The committee’s interim
report is provided in this letter. This report has been reviewed in accordance with the procedures of the National
Research Council and reflects a consensus of the committee.
