Pulmonary Function Tests in Clinical Practice
By Ali Altalag, Jeremy Road, Pearce Wilcox
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 278
Publication Date: 2009-04-14
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1848822308
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781848822306
Product De@@@@@@ion:
This represents an unique book providing a simplified approach to interpreting most diagnostic tests in the field of respiratory medicine. Easy to understand and practical containing more than 125 illustrated diagrams and over 50 tables containing key information designed to summarize certain interpretative approaches in a simple and understandable fashion and including 30 illustrative examples that apply the same principles presented in the book. Many diagnostic tests from all fields of respiratory medicine are included making it one of a kind. Including a chapter on diagnostic tests for sleep disorders, a new and emerging field, the book still focusses on classic test methods. It contains many references and its data are derived from well respected and international sources and references that can be easily traced.