Cardiology (Cardiology (Mosby)) 2nd edition - CD
المؤلف: Michael H. Crawford (Editor), John P. DiMarco (Editor), Walter J. Paulus (Editor)

Cardiology 2nd edition - CD:
Product Details
* Hardcover: 1728 pages
* Publisher: Mosby; 2 edition (December 1, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 032302405X
* Product Dimensions: 11.8 x 10.2 x 2.6 inches
Book De******ion
A team of 250 international experts brings clinicians this thoroughly revised and updated New Edition. Its clinically oriented coverage integrates basic science, diagnostic investigatioزيد ns, and therapeutic management into a practical, user-friendly reference on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. A consistent format throughout parallels the clinical decision making process to make definitive guidance easy to locate and apply. Over 2,360 illustrations, including more than 1,940 full-color photographs, tables, and diagnostic images make techniques and concepts easy to grasp. Plus, a bound-in CD-ROM features all of the book's illustrations for use in PowerPoint® presentations.
Rar 4 x 95.78 MB, 1 x 61.01 MB
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يحوي أصدار 2009 من كتاب القلبية الأقوى Current 3ed Edtion
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