البرنامج الهندسي لتصميم القوارب والسفن Maxsurf V11


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البرنامج الهندسي لتصميم القوارب والسفن MAXSURF V11

374.75 MB


Maxsurf provides fast, flexible and intuitive 3D modeling of all types of hulls, superstructures and appendages. An unlimited number of trimmed NURB surfaces can be used to model any vessel from yachts to workboats to the largest ships.
The core of the Maxsurf range, the Maxsurf design module provides the naval architect with the design tools necessary to create optimized hull forms quickly, accurately and with limited training time. Any number of NUB surfaces can be joined, trimmed and manipulated to create a complete model ready for hydrostatic analysis or construction detailing



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