فيديو Apple Quick Time Pro for windows


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Apple Quick Time Pro for windows

Apple Quick Time Pro for windows | 2 MB

The advanced QuickTime architecture provides state-of-the-art multimedia technologies that enable everything from high-definition audio and video playback to the creation of immersive environments. QuickTime empowers the development of innovative software such as iTunes, iMovie and Final Cut Pro from Apple as well as thousands of cross-platform programs from third parties.

Apple designed the QuickTime architecture as a powerful, extensible and flexible platform for creating digital media that maintains backwards compatibility with previous versions as new ones come to market. So files created using QuickTime 1 more than a decade ago continue to play smoothly today in QuickTime 7.

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جزاك الله كل الخير أخ علاء العنزي دائما تكون في المقدمة فهنيئاً لك الاجر و جمعنا الله بالفردوس الاعلى
جزاك الله كل الخير أخ علاء العنزي دائما تكون في المقدمة فهنيئاً لك الاجر و جمعنا الله بالفردوس الاعلى

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