البرنامج الهندسي الصناعي وتحديث جديد ALGOR DesignCheck 18.1


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البرنامج الهندسي الصناعي وتحديث جديد ALGOR DesignCheck 18.1


ALGOR DesignCheck 18.1 (multi- physical field coupling analysis tool):

ALGOR Designcheck v18.1 multi- countries language newest version!
Based on finite element mechanical product design 检验工具. Supports massive CAD constructs the mold, includes the finite element grid production and constructs the mold tool. Its simulation ability includes the linear / non-linear material 静应力; Mechanical movement; Linear dynamics; The stable state / flickers the heat conduction; Stable state / unstable condition fluid flow; Static electricity; Entire physical effect and pipeline.
Through uses ALGOR Designcheck FEA (finite element analysis) software, may in for a while inside inspect your product through the pressure analysis, the test product actual behavior, the acceleration product market sale, can in save the cost under the situation, even better safer production product

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  • البرنامج الهندسي الصناعي وتحديث جديد ALGOR DesignCheck 18.1.txt
    390 بايت · المشاهدات: 54
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